Logo firmy Bizserver

Bizserver Sp. z o. o. offers a wide range of server systems. We have gained and are constantly expanding our experience in designing, building and testing servers as a company owned by the owner of Host1.eu (leader in the field of hosting and virtual servers, Internet domains and SSL certificates), and thanks to the implementation of thousands of comprehensive orders for server equipment from individual and businesses from many industries.

The owner of Bizserver Sp. z o. o. is also the owner of Host1.eu, which is a leader in the field of hosting and virtual servers.
We are an authorized partner of Supermicro, one of the leading producers of server solutions in the world, offering a wide range of servers and components for server systems.

One of our specializations is the virtualization of Windows and Linux operating systems and server room equipment. We provide our customers with high performance, reliability and data security as well as reliable advice, technical support as well as installation, configuration and maintenance services for the equipment purchased from us. If you are looking for a proven partner in the field of business servers, please contact us.